Extremely disappointed
I switched over to Google Play Music from Spotify. I am extremely disappointed, for several reasons. First off and the most important, is the shoddy connectivity. I could effectively stream Spotify in the worst of areas. 1 bar on 4G? No problem! Google Music fails me constantly. It buffers more than you can imagine. Very annoying. Also, the app is so buggy! I lose my Bluetooth connectivity constantly. It especially goes off kilter if I skip songs too quickly. And by too quickly, I mean, like skipping a song every 10 seconds. Not like Im hyper-skipping. I feel duped right now. Im going back to Spotify ASAP if they cant get this right. This is as frustrated as Ive ever been with Music, since CDs went away.
Sexytime2011 about
Google Play Music, v3.26.1007