The Real and Only Review
People dont know how to rate. Sure the service is great, the best no question, but this is a review on the app itself and not the company or service. As such, the app is terrible and does not perform up to par. Every single time you go into the app , maybe one time not, it will stop your music. Other times the music will just stop for no reason and the tracker will keep moving as if the 3 minute song is still playing silently for 34 minutes. Seeing as how this is an app that is for listening to music and fails at that in these two very important areas, this app is absolute trash and does not accomplish the one single thing it is made to do, and that is keep the grooves going. Real nice party when your entire house suddenly has jarring silence in the middle of that killer track because you opened your phone to check the time and the app was open...
Marley Sheen about
Google Play Music, v3.35.1010