Cant believe this crap comes from Google.
How does a company with so much smarts get this soooo wrong!! I dont want to listen to someone elses playlist or mix! The internet allows me to ditch radio--why else would I invest the time uploading the music I bought?? I suppose pushing new music to me is the deal you had to make with the record industry robber-barons. Ok, Ill cut you slack there. But I cant forgive this abysmal iPhone user interface. To be forced to scroll through those useless bubble images to find an artist is downright user-antagonistic! When I am looking at My Library, I can see a grand total of 4 artists or albums per screen. When I click an artist, I can only see the first two (2) of their albums because the top half of the screen is showing me a picture of the band it pulled from somewhere. I dont need pictures! Album covers are awesome when they are a foot square and made of real cardboard. They are decidedly not awesome when reduced to a postage stamp to fit on a 2" x 4" display. A simple text listing is all that is needed (think original iPod). Its faster and more elegant. Really hope someone is listening.
Ride8575 about Google Play Music, v3.38.1007