The app is good, except doesnt have podcast. Please add that. Thx!
Google Play Music App Reviews
No podcast
Horrible on iPhone
The app freezes a lot. Even on Wi-Fi it freezes. And at times it takes at least 5 minutes to stream a song. I Deleted the app and re-installed it and its still giving me problems.
Slower than molasses!
Runs so slow on iPhone 6S Plus iOS 11! Navigation is near impossible and trying to scroll through a playlist? Ha! Forget it! Sticks and stutters in pain like scrolling is the apps dying words. I don’t know if this is a Google Play music thing or if it’s an iPhone thing. But when I used my iPhone before I got my Note8 on iOS 9 and iOS 10 it worked without a hitch! This is like a skinny high school nerd boxing a champion! Does not work. Simply put.
How do I subscribe with iPhone?
It won’t let me subscribe with my iPhone 8+. Pretty confused I’ve been trying for hours because I want to stream a song to my google home but it keeps telling me to subscribe and on the app it won’t let me.
Lacking Features
No way to change order of songs in a playlist. No equalizer!!!
Absolutely my fav
Has been my favorite music service for some years now. Only complaint is cross platform compatibility.
Buggiest app on the store
Hey google why don’t you do something important for once. I’ll speak for everyone here when I say stop being a pathetic company that says on everyone and spend more time working on fixing your search algorithm and better yet this trash app. Take all those coders you got and fix your app!
Better pay me back for all music I bought
Can not download music to my device to listen without streaming. Had to remove the app and manually transfer music I bought from google. This is horrible app, well this is what we get since net neutrality was canceled now they trying to force you pay them $$$ to listen to music you own.... without ads or streaming.
Only good on android
Just switched to iPhone and the google play app for Apple is unacceptable. Missing functions and frequently has problems skipping songs.
Amazing service
This is definitely one of the best music services. I wish they brought more features from the android app, but it really isn’t that bad, it’s definitely something I’m sticking with!
Needs some work
Some of the basic functionality is difficult to understand, such as the "add to queue" button. The app doesnt really define what is in the queue very well so the song often gets lost in a huge queue from the shuffle. Additionally there are many noticable bugs just from navigating around the app. Until these minor things are fixed this is probably the worst streaming service from its competition (e.g Spotify, Apple Music) in terms of functionality. However, the wide selection of music that is not all seen in other apps is a nice, noticable difference.
“Cant play right now”
It didn’t let me play the music. Not sure why. Im connected to wifi & everything so i really dont understand why it’s not working. Might just be me (i literally just installed this app like five minutes ago, so don’t take this review too seriously. It’s just annoying how it’s not working & i felt like reporting this problem)
App needs a complete rewrite
App constantly locks up, pauses playback, won’t download albums, glitchy interface without a mode for easy car playback and music managing. Many reviews go unanswered and updates are too infrequent to show that Google cares. If I hadn’t drunk the Kool Aid and purchased five Google Homes I would switch streaming services. Google, fix this App. Google Play Music is a great service, but this App needs a lot of work.
Issues cutting out and freezing
Every time I use the app (which is daily) it cuts out while playing in my car. My phone is connected to the USB cord (The cord is in great condition) so its not a connection issue. It cuts out any time I use it, actually. Plus, the app freezes after Ive opened it. Tap on Artists, tap on artist to listen to, nothing happens. Completely close out the app and try again. Ive tried three consecutive times and it does not respond. A lot of times it also doesnt respond when I touch play to start the music. Version 3.38.1007 iPhone X iOS 11.2.2
This is terrible!!bags????
The expansive library of music is absolutely amazing and I love that it’s included with YouTube Red. But the app itself is buggy and lags quite a bit. It definitely needs an upgrade and soon. Google please listen! I love this app and I will keep it until my 3 month trial is up but I hope it’s updated for real soon.
Houston, we have a problem..
So, I’ve been using the premium version of the app for some time now, and while it simply survives as a musical streaming service, it very well could thrive. Equalizer. You need a Equalizer. Just.. Just.. why? And the artist portraits, really most are just an off centered album cover. Show me accurate quality pictures of artists, or not at all. Smaller artist portraits would be great so you don’t have to scroll so stinkin’ far to get to a artist who’s name starts with G. Downloaded music is underrated for the most part, everyone should stop hating on that. SO WHAT IF I BUFFERS EVERY HALF AN HOUR!! WHO CARES!! This app is a blank template with LOADS of room for improvement, expansion, and perfection. Thank you for your time, and please.. please, please take into consideration this review, your app is a step in the right direction.
Nice. Just don’t add songs while driving!
I like GPM. I was a subscriber to Spotify for a few years. Then I switched to Apple Music for a few months, then amazon, and thereafter returned to Spotify. Originally, I signed up for the free trial of Youtube Red and learned that GPM was part of the package. I invested time into learning the new app, and I have been a customer since dropping all other services. My only complaint: I want a faster way to add a song to my library. In Spotify, I select the plus symbol and it simply adds the song to my library. In GPM, you have to select a tiny little ellipses symbol and then select the option “add to my library” from a menu. The complaint may sound trivial but it makes sense to me. When I am driving, I have my phone on the console, and when I hear a song I like it is nice to simply select the plus symbol in Spotify. However, using GPM, there is no such convenience. To add a song in GPM while driving you might wreck your car. I don’t recommend adding a song to your library using GPM while driving. Please, google, come up with a solution. Add a plus symbol or something. Otherwise good job.
Pretty great but miss songza a little bit....
Not sure why they didnt keep stuff the same as with songza when Google bought it. It was SO GOOD. This has become good too, bit not quite as good.
Good service. buggy app
Service is good, but the app could use some refining. When I’m streaming music and I skip a few songs quickly, the app lags out and stops playing music. It won’t play the song that I skip to but it try’s playing the next song in line. This is annoying as I miss songs in the playlist. There’s other things that need refinement regarding the app, but overall a decent service
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